Camille turned two years old this month. She had three birthday celebrations- one with the Hoffmann's before her birthday, one with us on her birthday and one with the Pettit's on Easter. She really got into the presents this year and was emphatic about opening them herself. We started potty-training. It's been rough, but she's doing fairly well with using the potty seat at home. I'm finding that this takes a lot of patience & perseverance for all of us. Lesah had a rough few weeks where she hardly slept all day and wanted to be held all the time. (No teeth yet) Fortunately, it was just a transition. She is back to taking good naps again. She is also pretty happy on her play-mat for a little while. She is very much a mommy's girl and likes to have my attention. She is probably a little spoiled. I have a hard time hearing her cry. I will have to get over that eventually. Jerry took a trip at the end of the month for the Megasquirt meet (a group of guys who have been involved in the creation, production, sales or use of the Megasquirt) where he introduced his new product (See MegaSquirtPNP.com). Everything went well & the buzz surrounding it has been very encouraging. I signed up for a painting class to get out of the house a couple hours a week by myself. The past month or so has been extra stressful for me. It feel like my day is spent just keeping everyone happy & avoiding chaos. That's just where we are right now. Things are always changing. Maybe next month will be easier...I hope :)
"Happy birthday to you....." "Back off, cuz"
Easter Day Cousins
Birthday pudding
All played out |